General Information on Sword Swallowing
Medical Complications of Sword Swallowing
Xrays of Sword Swallowers Swallowing Swords
Books and Magazines
- Magic, Compiled and edited by Albert A Hopkins, Munn & Co. Publishers, Scientific American Office (1897)
- Side-Show Tricks Explained 32 pages in a 5" x 3 1/2" book, produced by Haldeman-Julius Publications in Girard, Kansas (1920s?)
- Miracle Mongers and their Methods: A Complete Expos� by Harry Houdini (1920, 1929, reprinted 1981) (Complete online version)
- Step Right Up (1950) reprinted as Memoirs of a Sword Swallower by Daniel Mannix (1964) (
- Married to Adventure by Jule Mannix. The author's autobiography of her marriage to sword-swallower Daniel Mannix. 240 pp hardcover with b/w illustrations, published by Hamish Hamilton, London (1954).
- Bed of Nails: The Story of the Amazing Blondini, by Gordon Thomas, published by Wingate, First edition, (1955) , now 238 pages, published by Obrien Press (1982) (
- Thrilling Magic by Leonard H. Miller, 14 pages, published by Abbott's Magic Novelty Co., Colon, MI. (1959)
- Secrets of Magic by Walter Gibson, published by Grosset and Dunlap, NY (1967) Not for performers, but a book for the curious that attempts to explain magical mysteries throughout history, such as torture tricks (bed of nails and others), fire eating, sword swallowing, etc. Interesting, but lacking documentation.
- Annals of the American Circus, Vol.1. 1793-1829, by Stuart Thayer, Dauven & Thayer Press (1976)
- Handbok f�r Sj�lvpl�gare by Jaime Perez, published in Sweden, ISBN 91-970348-0-0, 112 pages (1979)
- Strange Secrets Vol. 1, Vol. 2, by Gordon Miller, printed by Abbott Magic Co. (1984)
- Freak Show: Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit, by Robert Bogdan, University of Chicago Press (1988)
- Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women by Ricky Jay (1989) (
- Freaks, Frauds and Fakirs by Slim Price (unpublished)
- Freak Like Me: Inside the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow, by Jim Rose (1995)
- Circus of the Scars by Jan T. Gregor and Tim Cridland (1998) (
- Strange Feats and Clever Turns by Charles Holland, 192 pp paperback, published by Holland and Palmer Publishing (1998) An anthology of illustrated articles on remarkable speciality acts in variety, vaudeville and sideshows at the turn of the 20th century as seen by their contemporaries and reproduced from magazines of the era, including two photographs and a description of Cliquot's act from The Strand Magazine of 1896. (UK)
- Sorcerer's Apprentice, by Tahir Shah, 336 pages, expos� of fakir stunts in India (no swordswallowing), Arcade Publishing (2001)
- Shocked and Amazed by showman James Taylor
- Bradbury Books (Circus books)
- An Introduction to European Swords by Anthony North (1982)
- British Military Swords by John Wilkinson Latham, Crown Publishers, NY (1966)
- A Collector's Guide to Swords, Daggers, and Cutlasses
by Gerald Weland (2001) (
- Swords and Hilt Weapons by Michael D. Coe (1989) (
Films, Movies, Documentaries, Videos
- Stomachs of Steel (April 2004) documentary produced by Dr. Paul Trotman and Roz Mason through NHNZ for The Discovery Channel, featuring Natasha Veruschka, Johnny Fox, Dai Andrews, Sideshow Bennie, Dan Meyer, George the Giant, Alex Zander and others at the 2003 Sideshow Gathering and SSAI Sword Swallowers Convention
- Young Mighty Ajax swallowing sword on sideshow bally (1904-05)
- Afghani Sword Swallower (c. 1910)
- Freaks by Tod Browning (1932)
- Delno Fritz on Tod Browning's Freaks (filmed 1925, aired 1932)
- Edna Price swallowing neon tube for Ripley's (1939)
- Leatha Smith swallowing swords with Cole Bros Circus (1942)
- What's My Line? Betty Bancroft (1954)
- What's My Line? Estelline Pike and Jim Ball (1958)
- Mighty Ajax (1959)
- German Sword Swallower Joe Jagger (c1970s-80s)
- Carny film featuring Jodie Foster, Gary Bussey, sword swallower Jimmy Rapp (1980)
- Stoney Knows How, Alan Govenar, Bruce "Pacho" Lane, 29 min. 16mm film (1981)
- Being Different documentary (1981)
- Penn Gillette learning sword swallowing from Bill Unks (1985)
- Joey Joey video by Ilse Somers, 12 minutes, color (1989)
- Gibtown, documentary on Gibsonton, Florida, 64 minutes (1999)
- Sideshow: Alive on the Inside, narrated by Jason Alexander, short segment with sword swallower Red Stuart (1999)
- World Sword Swallower's Day on AMC Freakshow (2012)
- TED Talk on Sword Swallowing TEDx Maastricht Netherlands (2013)
Sword Swallowing Music
Swords, Props, and Accessories