Sword Swallowing Resources

Animated image of sword swallower by Fred Kahl

General Information on Sword Swallowing

Medical Complications of Sword Swallowing

Xrays of Sword Swallowers Swallowing Swords

Books and Magazines

Films, Movies, Documentaries, Videos

Sword Swallowing Music

  • Saber Dance by Aram Khachaturian (:29 sec 247K .aif file sample)
  • Sabre Dance by Aram Khachaturian (CD: $12.90)
  • Sabre Dance by Aram Khachaturian (2:52 26K .mid file)

Swords, Props, and Accessories


If you know of any other sword swallowing resources, please e-mail danmeyerswords@gmail.com